Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welcome Home Ty Roy!

Thirty hours of travel for your first time on a plane at age 12 months is no laughing matter. Our first flight left at midnight Friday night. Ty fell asleep right before we got to the airport, but woke less than an hour later and didn't fall back asleep. I will admit a little fault in this issue as I broke the 'smart mom rule #103', don't brag about your kid's great sleeping habits. I had JUST told this lady standing in line at the check in counter about how great he sleeps, he sleeps 12 hours, we expect he'll just sleep until we reach Frankfurt. (As I'm typing this I'm kicking myself!) So around 2 a.m., he decided he would go to sleep but only if I was holding him, in the way he wanted to be held. I cried. Yep, right there on a packed airbus with people looking at me and Brian giving me the 'you gotta be kidding' look I just let 'em fall. There was no holding back, I was exhausted, missing my girls and frustrated as heck that I agreed to the 'let's encourage him to bond with you first that way he will feel extremely comfortable no matter what' rationale that we assumed was best at the first of the week. So we slept, Ty in my arms, me laying across 2 seats and our heads in Brian's lap. It was miserable. When we got off of the plane we went in search of the sleeping cots. They weren't out. I didn't care. I found a row of chairs, took off the sling, secured in onto Brian with the baby, found my pillow and slept for 2 hours with strangers walking past me. Yes, I was one of those airport people and I did not care. When I woke I was a new woman. We went to McDonald's where I drank the best iced fountain Sprite ever! We met up with our friends the Chains and spent the next several hours sharing stories. Our next flight was a huge success, Ty slept in his seat for 7 of the 8 hour flight. Bliss. Our experience at the Philadelphia airport was awful..I mean literally awful and I fully intend to send a scathing email soon!
When we arrived in Nashville we were full of energy, ready to see our girls. My parents parked the van and brought the girls in with balloons to greet us. It was a great surprise and a wonderful memory to share with Ty when he gets older. The sisters are in love with their brother. Kendall can't believe how cute he is and how small he is. Mallory can't quit giggling and touching him. When we got home Mallory had to help feed him, and wanted to change his diaper (I was able to negotiate a side line job for her). Kendall helped feed him his bottle. He was not at at all shy with them and his eyes were full of delight. We are tired and achy, but boy are we at peace here with our three kid in our own home. What a blessing...what blessings they all are!

Mallory's first big sister job..she wouldn't take
no for an answer!

Kendall was amazed with his small hands and fingers.

His first visit to his room. Mallory was eager
to show him his toys.

1 comment:

  1. Hollie, I totally understand the adult meltdown ;) When you are that emotionally and physically exhausted, a good cry and sleep does wonders. Glad you are home. Traveling is a beast!
