Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Magical House by Mallory

Yesterday my middle child (wow..that is the FIRST time I've used that label!!) decided to compose a story. First she found the scissors, then glue. She dug into our stash of papers and found 2 that suited her. She located a pen (that's impressive!) and set down at the kitchen table. In a few minutes she asked for my help. It didn't take long to recognize her art as a yellow house, with 2 windows, glued onto a white sheet of paper with a flower border..presumably the flower garden. She then asked me to write her story for her. And after my 'encouraging' ways (begging), she has allowed me to include it on the blog. I love it because, well because it came from her little creative noggin! And also, if you're in Tennessee (and the other states who have been wracked with rain for 5 weeks...then you will understand completely!!

Magical House by Mallory

When my tear drops I saw a magical thing happen in my house. Everything started floating. And then I started floating. I looked out the window and the trees started floating. And then the flower pots started floating. It was raining and then it stopped. Then it started raining again, and again, and again, and again. And then Kendall came home and she was floating. And then we started watching t.v. and the couch was floating. And then we saw the remote floating and we jumped up and caught it and started watching t.v. And then we watched Arthur. And then the lollipops that we were eating started floating. And then they EXPLODED!! And then we got more lollipops.
The End.

Mallory showing us how to 'hula' the rain away.

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1 comment:

  1. Mallory's Hula-Stop-the-Rain-Dance must have worked - turned out to be a beautiful afternoon! Please thank her for the dance and the magical story :-)
