Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Spirit

I was talking to my friend Courtney and the conversation quickly turned to our kids and the Christmas season already upon us. We were sharing our family's traditions and swapping ideas when we both concluded that we should blog our ideas to share with others in hope that we could hear what others do to keep Christmas Spirit going through December. I hope that if you read this entry you feel led to comment and share either an idea or just a great story to bring some Christmas Cheer!

In our home we have an Advent Calendar. Really it's an Advent Box. Our oldest had dubbed it the 'Magic Box' and both of my kids delight in it every day in December until Christmas Day. Our first Magic Box literally fell apart last year. I forgot to get a new one until Dec 3. I told the girls I found a package on the front porch, couldn't believe what it was..a New Magic Box!! K was over the top with excitement! Made me feel guilty I didn't send it before then. But her excitement was contagious and before I knew it I was giddy thinking about the treats that wait inside. Our Magic Box magically produces treats daily, at random times. The girls may check that little house (looks like a house) 10 times before the treat arrives. I try to sneak it in sometime around dinnertime, before bedtime at least. The cubby holes for each day are pretty small but I can usually squeeze in 2 small items like small chocolates, stickers, mini fingernail polish, bell necklace, tatoos (nothing says Christmas like a Poinsettia on your kids face!), a special note(could be on the day Rudolph is playing and the note read "ask Mom to pop popcorn and watch my Favorite Movie, love Santa), and even those little snowmen you place in water and watch grow. I also include some items that are too big for the cubbies and those may have a string running from that date around the side of the box to reveal the treat. This year there will be a Grinch Christmas DVD, Christmas Coloring Book, lollipops, Christmas socks, hairbows and a new Christmas book. This simple little 'magic' box has the ability to light up my children's face each and every time they discover their treat. They believe Santa has some sort of direct line to their Magic Box. In a way I guess that's not a lie now is it? Santa's real helper is Target as they have Magic Boxes on sale right now...HO, HO, HO!!

One more...this is not from my family but one that was shared by an acquaintance...
One Christmas Santa left her nephew a bell and a letter. The letter read something like "Please listen to the bell for when it rings I will know if you are being naughty or nice, and so will you. If you hear the bell and you've been nice then there will be a treat for you. If you're being naughty there will be no treat and Santa will know." This lady lives with her sister, nephew and their mother. Lots of Santa's helpers around strategically locating that bell throughout the year to remind the little boy that Santa is always watching. Apparently it works pretty well too!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Giving Thanks

To recap our Thanksgiving holiday: We spent the day with my family and over eating (as is custom), followed by several nodding off on the couch while others perused the sale ads making plans of early morning shopping sprees. My girls went to my parents for the night so that me and hubby could conquer the crowds. At 6 a.m. our neighbor called, she was only hoping we were up..we were, even dressed to head out! She offered a bit of Target shopping advice and off we went. At the end of the day we had purchased more for ourselves than anyone else. "Isn't that against the rules?" I asked. Hubby assured me his purchase of 2 coats (1 for work 1 for play of course), jeans, slacks, shirt, 15 inch t.v. and dual d.v.d. players were too good of a deal to pass up thus allowing us to save more money allowing us more funds for Christmas gifts. I love him. Those same kind 'Target Advising' neighbors came to our rescue half way through our morning. Dear hubby dropped me off at the entrance of Target and went in search of the best parking spot. Apparently it was during this time that he realized his wallet was missing. In his search for the wallet he stepped out of the van, to look under the seat, and laid his keys on the seat. For whatever reason he decided to give up the search, hit the locks and close the door. Keys still on the seat. We were 30 miles from home. I did not have my keys (lesson learned). Kind Target Advising neighbor picked us up, took us home, returned us to the scene all without once saying anything slanderous. Good neighbor. Wait...he did point out that HE had NEVER locked HIS keys in HIS car. Karma is a bitch, hopefully his good deeds will deflect her!
All in all our weekend was fabulous. We went in search of the perfect Christmas Tree and found her. I'm quite sure it is a "her", she's very pretty and truly appreciates all of the bling. We snuggled on the couch and enjoyed a 2 hour movie...with both kids! Enjoyed left over turkey and ham all weekend and loved it!
What a perfect weekend to kick off a Thanks Giving attitude for sure! I am always excited to enter the Christmas giving season, especially now with my girls at ages 6 & 3. What a blast this will be! But before I move to that mind set I just want to remember
my blessed life, my truly wonderful husband, these 2 little angels in my home, friends who light my path daily (especially those that drive 60 miles to get my keys), my family who make holidays the best!, the food that nourishes our bellies, the word that nourishes our soul, the farm that took the time to grow and trim our tree, the teachers that assist us with imparting more knowledge in our angels, the clerks who woke early and still offered a smile (wow!), and as always I am in thought of the woman whose son she will soon share with me...the blessings keep pouring down and my grateful heart continues to overflow!
Although Thanksgiving is gone I am still in a 'Thanks Giving' mood. I believe there is no coincidence that such a lovely holiday precede such a giving holiday!