Thursday, May 12, 2011

Addis Documentary...lovely

So excited to share this video! Sam (his video) was at the Ethiopian Guest House during our second trip. Each evening we'd see Sam and Dawit (from Ethiopia) drag in with video equipment slung over their shoulders and exhaustion all over their faces. In the video are pictures of Korah, pictures of the women making the necklaces I wear. Summer and Cory Yates are included, both from Tennessee and making a big impact in the community of Korah. Owner of the Ethiopian Guest House,Dave McIlrath is involved with Korah and set up the necklace project for the women of Korah giving them much needed income. And he spends lots of time, energy and funds raising awareness for the people of Korah and Ethiopia in general. We met Ephrem there too, and he shared with us his soccer program that gets kids off the streets, onto a field and into a team setting. His work is giving children hope. When we were shopping at the Post Office area we were approached by many homeless children. I remember one young boy, about 10 or so, asking us for change. Brian recognized his soccer jersey and asked if he knew Ephrem. The boy did and he was delighted that we knew about his team. He walked with us the rest of the time we were shopping and shared his story with us. He and Brian talked about soccer, Ethiopian and American, and the boy kept asking if we could come and watch him. He was proud of his team and of his involvement. That little boy had something to look forward to on Friday of that week. These are amazing people who inspired us during our journey. They were the richness to our memories. We met others who we now call friends that touched our hearts and who we know we will see again soon. Thanks Sam for creating such a fantastic video..a wonderful representation of the beautiful people of Ethiopia and the powerful ministries stirring the souls and giving hope to all they meet.
Please check it out and after you have viewed it go ahead and click the underlined title below the screen... The City of Addis- A Short Documentary. There is more great footage covering all four of these organizations serving the children, women and orphans of Ethiopia. They need $15,000.00 to complete this project and give these organization the support they need to continue their life changing missions. This project can only be completed if the funds have been raised by June 25, 2011. Important work going on here...I know you'll want to be a part of it!

The City of Addis - A short documentary from Session 7 Media on Vimeo.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wearing my Rose colored glasses...

Today a very dear friend, one of God's finest really, left this life to join her Father in Heaven. Rose (McNish) King was the spark of all things to my childhood memory. She was one of my beloved scout leaders, and those of you who know me well have likely heard me fondly recall the memories of those times. Those three ladies...Rose, Ann and Judy...were the fearless ones. From camping in the thunderstorms, to loading us onto buses for the World's Fair, scaring our socks off at the Bell Witch Cave ...they taught us about the charms of becoming a young woman and reminded us the gifts God bestowed upon us as young women. They didn't take no for an answer, or if they did I never heard of it. We sang carols at the local nursing home and marched in the Christmas parade. We sold cookies like nobody's business and had sleepovers for any reason we could find. Throughout my elementary years these ladies banned together and committed themselves to make a difference in our lives. Our troop was riddled with extreme personalities...shy, overbearing, attentive (not very many), timid, angry, challenged, lonely, fearful, hopeful, animated, goofy, etc. We were all over the place! And boy did we get yelled at! And we loved it. Every minute of it. Rose was a single mother of two very active daughters. The oldest, Kim, was my counterpart for many years. The youngest, Amy was at every scout event we ever had and was all about being front and center. Looking back now I realize that Rose had such deep love for us, she had to because that was A LOT of devotion and persuasion, a lot of late nights and cold nights, a lot of laughing and yellin'! What I know from my own adult scout experience is that you do it for your daughter first..and I have no doubt that everything she did was for her precious daughters.
I will tell you she was a force not to be reckoned with. When she was on, you better step aside. She was God fearing and full of grace. Her fallibility made her more endearing and raised the standard for success in my book. She was the first to bring God to my life. No doubt about it. We prayed at each meeting and used His name each time. I bet a meeting didn't pass without her praising, speaking, teaching, or asking for His help. ( the latter I'm sure she did many times each meeting...we were wild!) She loved God and her girls. It was at the McNish house I found a love for Elvis and Rocky Balboa... Rose put up with our crazy antics and even let us kick her out of her own bed. I'm telling you, she was beautiful. She held her head high and had the confidence of a lady who has seen hard times and knows that Glory is awaiting her arrival. She had suffered the worse loss of all and in that time I'm confident she sought her Father's hand and He led her through the darkness and found the direction she needed to move forward again. She loved her daughters, she was a warrior for them. Mind you, I see her in my child's eye and I always will.
I have not seen her in a while. The last time I do believe was at a grocery store, where she got to meet my husband and my daughter. She was thrilled to see me and meet my family. She hugged me with both arms, held close to her. She was weary, she had just left work and was on her way to assist her grandchildren. She loved them dearly too, in her very Rose way..fiercely.
Today is Mother's Day. Is it more painful to lose a parent on a special holiday? I don't know, but I'm guessing Kim will take some of that Rose instinct and wrap it with grace, she'll comfort others and seek her Father's hand. And He will be there for her. And Rose will be too. On this day one beautiful, fierce, loving and all inspiring woman got to be with both daughters once again and meet the Glory that has awaited her arrival. She has left a smile on my face, a warmth in my heart and yes, of course, a tear in my eye. We love her for her honesty, we love her for her leadership, we love her for her loyalty, we love her for her dedication...we love her. Thank God for her.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Yep...even those...

Tonight the kiddos had to take a bath..all 3 of them together. Mallory and Ty find themselves splashing together quite a bit, but this was a first for Kendall. Only because she is a shower girl. Kendall asked " Why do people say brown skinned people are black?" I say " That's a good question...some people say it to be unkind, others use it as a poor description, I'm not sure exactly why they are referred to as 'black'. " I go into it a little more with my understanding of history, and how in today's society we refer to 'black' people as black people or African Americans and it is accepted by and large. Isn't it funny...I don't have a good answer for it when it comes right down to it. Frustrating. Truth is I'm not really white either...kinda pink really. Back to the story...
Kendall looks at his feet, "Look at his feet, they aren't brown. Neither are his hands. We have the same hands and feet." I respond "I think that is neat. Plus..he has the cutest little toes ever!" I go on to point out many similarities: We also have the same mouth inside...on cue Ty stuck out his tongue. Our eyes are the same, just a color difference like so many others. Our blood runs red and our heart beats with each breath. " Kendall says: Our fingernails look the same color and shape too." At this point I'm feeling glad to have this dialog with my kiddo. Then Mallory points out "We even have the same colored boogers."
Yep. That too.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mac Man

Now this is how you eat some Mac'n Cheese!! Believe it or not, my little guy was NOT a mac fan...actually he just didn't like noodles. Crazy right?

On a whim I decided to cut it up into small pieces. You'll notice the spoon, thought I'd give him the option. Well that was useless!
But the effort was rewarded with a big ol' toothy smile. Love my mac man!

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Magical House by Mallory

Yesterday my middle child (wow..that is the FIRST time I've used that label!!) decided to compose a story. First she found the scissors, then glue. She dug into our stash of papers and found 2 that suited her. She located a pen (that's impressive!) and set down at the kitchen table. In a few minutes she asked for my help. It didn't take long to recognize her art as a yellow house, with 2 windows, glued onto a white sheet of paper with a flower border..presumably the flower garden. She then asked me to write her story for her. And after my 'encouraging' ways (begging), she has allowed me to include it on the blog. I love it because, well because it came from her little creative noggin! And also, if you're in Tennessee (and the other states who have been wracked with rain for 5 weeks...then you will understand completely!!

Magical House by Mallory

When my tear drops I saw a magical thing happen in my house. Everything started floating. And then I started floating. I looked out the window and the trees started floating. And then the flower pots started floating. It was raining and then it stopped. Then it started raining again, and again, and again, and again. And then Kendall came home and she was floating. And then we started watching t.v. and the couch was floating. And then we saw the remote floating and we jumped up and caught it and started watching t.v. And then we watched Arthur. And then the lollipops that we were eating started floating. And then they EXPLODED!! And then we got more lollipops.
The End.

Mallory showing us how to 'hula' the rain away.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Walking Romeo

This has been a very fun week with the family. My Mother In Law, aka Nina, was here for her first visit with Ty. On Sunday we celebrated our first Easter as a family of 5. don't need any instruction when it comes to Easter Baskets. Ty pulled up to the table, his sisters pointed him in the direction of his and that was all the encouragement he needed. His basket of cars and bubbles, a bunny cup and 2 chocolate bunnies (small ones!) was overturned and inspected in true Ty fashion. Then Monday marked 2 months with Ty. On Wednesday Ty began baby steps either. He's crossing rooms now! Forget the locks on the lower cabinets! I'm worried about keeping him away from the stovetop knobs..yikes!
This past weekend Ty became quite the Romeo. He loves to kiss, and has the cutest little pucker! He even makes the "mmmm" sounds. His newest favorite food (and ours too) is corn on the cob. He can annihilate some corn! We love it because it keeps him happy and busy during dinner. That will be #1 on my grocery list until he tires of it. Ty and Mallory have a great relationship. Understandable since she spends a lot of time with him. But in the past couple of weeks the relationship with his oldest sister Kendall has really taken off. They roll around on the carpet playing, she picks him up and cuddles him. He loves it! And so does his mama. The family we are building is definitely a work in progress and we are all being rewarded greatly. Tonight Ty found a photo of all of us in an album. He leaned over it, puckered up and said 'mmmm'. We're all in love!