Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Desiderata~Things to be Desired

My mother in law has a framed copy of this in her house. Every time we visit I find myself studying it. It is such a beautiful it a poem? a prayer? a path? I think it is all and I love the sense of hope and peace it brings to my heart. The best part is, each time I read it I am drawn to a different line. As my life changes, as seasons change in my life, there is a line in the Desiderata that speaks to me more clearly than all the rest. I love that.


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

We've Come a long way baby...

I'm re-posting this, hoping the pictures will come through. The original post was to celebrate our first month together, March 28th, 2011.
It was one month ago today that we woke early in anticipation of picking up our son from his transition home and bringing him home with us forever. The day was sunny, much like today. I can remember the streets were crowded with pedestrians and I wondered as I looked out the window if any of the people who looked into our van could guess we were picking up our son, our Ethiopian son? Would they approve? What would they say to me if I could ask.
We were nervous with excitement and scared of the unknown. Our last visit with Ty hadn't been that long ago, would he remember us? Our last visit was many hours spent with a sick little baby boy who only minutes before we were to leave him for the airport decided to gift us with this beautiful, all dimples and sweetness smile. Would he greet us with a smile? Last visit he was confused along with being sick, he cried until he fell asleep. Would he want to play? Could we possibly make him as happy as our hearts so wanted?
Leaving the transition home.

Our first minutes at the guest house. No smiles..but definite curiosity.

That sweet boy was so confused.

Books were his favorite, so we read.

And so today I can say...he smiles at us all of the time. And it is like the sun warming my face and a joyful march in my heart. He reaches for me and I just want to ask him to do it again, again, again. His dad has found his ticklish spots (there are many) and his laughter delights us to no end. He is not afraid of the animals, and if the cat doesn't get afraid of him I'm scared we'll have a cat with patchy fur! He LOVES cars and makes car noises as he pushes anything with a wheel around the house. In the van he makes the same noise, we think if he sees cars he just automatically does it. The girls think he's funny and cute and noisy and all things they should think about their baby brother. Though he's not walking yet he is certainly cruising around the living room. He's got rhythm and loves to sway and bounce and rock to the beat. It's great! Today, when I asked where his nose was, he touched it ...twice. That's a B-I-G deal! He babbles and squeals and can use his eyebrows alone to ask a question. It's only been one month, I swear to you it feels like it's been longer. Not because I am exhausted (though I am most days!), but rather because it just feels so normal. We are cautious to take it one step at a time. He is so willing to go to other people, and we know we must be guarded of our bonding time with him. He has been through 3 caregivers. In his book, that's 3 mothers. He has the capacity to bond, we are certain of it as we have seen it happening with us. I can't wait to experience our relationship in 3 months...1 year...3 years. I can honestly say that my body, heart, mind respond the same way to him as they do to Kendall and Mallory. And that has surprised me. I knew I wanted a son, I knew I wanted Ty as my son, but I really prepared myself for the bonding time to go both ways...he would need time and I would need time. I think it happened on the way back to the U.S. I can remember a feeling of natural response and comfort and protectiveness and love. It just clicked. What an awesome journey we have been on .... and it's only been a month!

Here's to you Ty!

No lack of smiles here...
Daddy's little guy..they share lots of laughs together!
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Rutland Fun Run and 5k

I love this picture...look at everyone leaning forward...they're ready to go! You can see the smiles, the anticipation and the determination! Love sweet Chloe (stroller), she's not sure why they have to be so loud!

There were many family teams in both races. Here the Vorhies Men are preparing for their last big sprint to the finish line! In true Logan spirit, he gives the crowd exactly what they need to cheer him on!

There's my girl Kendall! She thought she wanted to participate until she realized how 'long' one mile is. But then we arrived and she saw her friends (pictured here with Emmie), and she jumped right in.
Mallory wasn't short on friends either. Later she told me that she was holding hands with her friends. She said "I told them, we look like we're getting in love." She so sweet. (Lydia, Mallory and Brianna)

Team Bing enjoyed their run together. Olivia and Craig slowed down in order to savor the moment. Not pictured is Grace...she had already crossed the finish line and secured her 2nd place medal!

No doubt the cutest spectator there!

Was a great feeling crossing the finish line with Kendall. After her 1 mile fun run she joined me in the 5k! No medals won here, but perhaps a new hobby for the two of us?

Kendall and Julianna both won medals for their fast little legs!

First Place Over All Girl Winner goes to Mary!! Much deserved too. Congratulations Mary!

Lucky Day

Last week was Kindergarten registration. Ugh! For parents of 5 year old kids we totally dread this milestone. Sure it's sad that they are growing up, absolutely devastating they are about to leave behind their 'baby' ways, and not to mention the hectic life of school is looming around the corner. All of those things make us cringe. But the worse part of turning 5, the most dreaded part of kindergarten isn't kindergarten at all. It is the vaccines! (insert Psycho music here) I didn't tell her about the vaccines until we were leaving for the doctor's office. She looked at me with those big round eyes and said "I don't have to do that, right?". Umm...yes, yes you do. "Why?" Well, because you are 5 and if you want to go to school you have to get these shots so that you can be healthy. "What???" (my thoughts exactly...once I said it I thought how bogus it really sounded). She quickly decided that 1. She didn't really want to go to kindergarten after all. and 2. mom isn't near as smart as she had believed. So in an effort to reestablish my authority and good standing with her I reminded her of the art of negotiating. By the time we arrived we both had determined we were agreeing to 2 shots, and 2 shots only. On the ride over Mallory had already worked out a plan for the other 3, 2 of which she would go back for in one month and the last she would do in the summertime. We shared our plan with the doctor, who approved of the plan.. and I was so proud of Mallory's 'brave' face. Then as we were waiting for her to return with the vaccines her confidence began to crumble and her negiotating skills melted into pleads of fleeing while the doctor wasn't looking. A little pep talk (bribe) convinced her to stay. She even negotiated sitting in my lap while getting the shots. The nurse was kind enough to let her do it, I on the other hand was squeezing my eyes shut so as to not go out cold at the sight of the needles!! She screamed...loudly. And for the first 15 minutes was incredulous over the whole on earth was she supposed to ever come back for 3 more! We left the doctor's office and headed to the store where she scored 2 treats ("one for each shot" she reminded me). That night was the Health Fair at Kendall's school, and Mallory's school since we had registered that day. She was excited to participate in 'her' school's event. The girls ran around the gymnasium participating at each booth and then turned in their registrations for the free bike drawings. Kendall was fixated on the metallic pink bike with 6 gears, hand brakes and real kick stand. It was the ultimate big girl bike. It was time for the drawing and all the kids were wide eyed, hoping to hear the first few syllables of their own names. And then they said way!...-O-R-Y ...OMG!!! R-O-Y .....Yay!!!! WooHoo...Yay Mallory!!! We were all so excited we jumped up and High-Fived her and everyone around us. She was totally shocked and lit up light the star she felt like at that moment. She walked over to the bike, and turned toward the crowd..everyone laughed and cheered at the sight of her very astonished, delighted and speechless little face. One of our friends said "all she needed to do was throw her arms in the air, it was like a moment of victory!" It was great! That night, during prayers Mallory said "and thank you God for my really luck day. I got two shots, two suckers, lots of stickers, I get to go to kindergarten and I got a new bike. I wonder what will happen the next time I get shots? "
The Super Bike! Mallory has allowed Kendall
to ride it 'for a few months, until I learn to ride
without training wheels. Or until I get another
new bike." Ahhh..the art of negotiating!
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Soccer Sister

Our soccer girl, Mallory, had a great game a few weekends ago. She was 'in the zone' and not at all concerned with her ponytails (which is usually the case). I have to admit that I am one of those parents, who walk up to the field shouting words of encouragement ('Put your foot on the ball!!! Goooo!!! Pay attention!! Good Job!)..I'm my own worse enemy. I'm waiting for Brian to call me out, as I would absolutely do the same if it were reversed. Soccer is his sport, one he played as a child and into High School. Kendall tried it for a few seasons, but lost interest. Mallory has good potential as a runner, but boy is she a social butterfly out there! Once I watched her hold hands with a team mate and skip over to the huddle that was fighting over the soccer ball. Yes..that was a "Pay Attention!!" moment. She just smiled at me, and introduced me to her friend. Where were my manners?

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