Friday, February 26, 2010

Off and Running

Our paperwork did arrive as the FedEx guy promised before 10:30 yesterday. Nicky (our adoption coordinator) emailed me to let me know. After she combed through it she found one issue that was easily remedied with a notarized letter from Brian and I clearing up the confusion. So it's off and running..literally! They sent it by courier to D.C. to the Secretary of State for certification yesterday. After that it goes to the Ethiopian Embassy and once they review and certify then back to our agency and we'll be notified that we're officially on the list! YAY!! Very exciting times here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I saw your comment on a mutual friend's blog and saw that you are adopting from Ethiopia too. We brought home our daughter from ethiopia in August of 2009. It's an amazing experience, and I'll be praying for you as you wait! congrats to you!!
