Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

"It doesn't matter who my father was;
it matters who I remember he was." ~by Anne Sexton

Let us celebrate the caring, strong, inspirational men in our lives today! I am always proud to retell stories of years past with my dad, and my girls love to hear them. Kendall is now 8 years old and she is beginning to have strong memories of times with her dad. I catch her sharing and giggling over those moments with her friends. My dad was always a source of comfort and protection for me and my family. He was, and still is, the voice of reason and calm. He showed us that 1. the adult is always right 2. you can watch t.v. with your eyes closed..dare you to change the channel! 3. potatoes can and should be served with each meal..fried is the best 4. you must finish what you started 5. Don't let them get to's not worth it 6. the white-faced bumble bees don't sting..not at all true!! 7. Good cornbread is all about the pan 8. Courtesy does get you everywhere 9. Pester your kids as much as they do you, and feel free to do the same to their friends. :) 10. Have all your facts before you speak up 11. Actions speak louder than words 12. Sometimes you gotta take one for the team (for 35 years he goes to the ocean with the family and absolutely HATES sand and sun) 13. What your mom don't know won't hurt her (I must admit that was only fun as a kid eating junk for b'fast, but now I'm scared to death of this lesson!!) 14.Don't be afraid to try. 15.Family comes first, always.

So grateful for my dad (and for my mom for choosing him and keeping him!). I can't wait to hear the lessons my kids learn from their dad. My husband is a fantastic father! Love the lessons I continue to learn from both of these wonderful men in my life. Happy Father's Day to them both!

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