Monday, March 22, 2010

Bring on the Sun..please?!

First day back to school went something like this...
My personalized alarm clock woke me 15 minutes before my digital one..mad dash to the loo and back to my last few minutes of coziness before my digital one interrupted me. Hit snooze a ridiculous amount of times. Hubby agrees to wake the first grader, get her morning started while I stole 25 minutes more of warm, coziness. 15 minutes before she needed to be out the door I drag myself from the bed, make empty threats in hopes of getting her to brush her hair and resort to meeting her at her own maturity level. 7 a.m., hubby and first grader out the door. I climb back in bed. Oh..the four year old is now awake. I forgot. She needs milk, cereal in a bowl (she's very particular) and Tom and Jerry on the tube. I do my duties, then climb into bed. We do not even attempt to move around until after nine a.m. She's a girl after my own heart, I love her so. For the record, I am convinced that had the sun been out and not the threat of 'wintery-mix' (what the ??? wasn't it 70 two days ago?) that my morning would have ..perhaps.. gone smoother. I may have even gotten out of bed in hopes of doing a little exercise. Maybe not. We'll never know now will we? I NEED the sun! Really. I'm so over it! Bring on the rays..I'll even let 'em burn me a little. It is March 22, we are officially into Spring. By over 24 hours! What's the hold up here??
On to more exciting news. Our adoption agency received referrals for 6 sweet babies today. 5 boys ranging in age from 7 1/2 weeks to 22 months old. One baby girl. The parents of the boys waited an average of 10 1/2 months for their referrals. If you're keeping count, like we are, you will be excited (as we are) because we now have moved down to #51! Almost out of the 50's! Will keep you posted..


  1. If that sun doesn't come and STAY soon I am running back to NC - coming with? A little truancy never really hurt anyone - at least not 1st graders!

    By the way - the gardners CAN NOT WAIT to love on that baby boy!
