Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Wishes for Granma!

We're home now and today is an 'in between' day. In between day seems to happen often here during the summer for sure! What is an in between day? This represents the one 'free' day we have in between two busy days (or visits in this case). We spent this weekend traveling home from Rhode Island, unpacking (still more to do) and yesterday we celebrated my grandmother's 86th birthday. Tomorrow Aunt Amy and cousin Aaron will arrive for a week of family time. So today..we'll be hanging out and catching up on household chores (bummer).
Let me pay respect to the coolest 86 year old woman I grandma! She rocks! All of my life she has been the ideal best dressed Southern woman I know. She and my grandfather walked their lives together for over 50 years (my other grandparents did too!) and she was the ultimate housewife. Clean house, dinner on time, attention to detail and family gatherings fit for royalty! One of the more endearing stories is that when they got married she woke up an hour earlier than he did just so she could be dressed, hair fixed and make up on before he saw her. That lasted longer than you'd think! As a 20 year old she was gorgeous with dark hair and a dynamic smile. I have to think that my grandfather was dazzled by her smile and those flirty eyes. He too was a looker, very handsome and she adored him. Together they raised 2 daughters and to them family was everything. He died over nine years ago and she is still very much married to him. His passing left her reeling and it took her many years to figure out how to live in this world without him. But yesterday she celebrated her birthday surrounded by the family she lives for. Dressed in her full length dress, strappy, shiny sandals and jewelry (always jewelry) she brought in her 86th year with she does everyday! When asked what her plans were after our luncheon she said she hadn't decided. I asked if someone was taking her out, would she be getting into any trouble. Her response, with a grin, was "noone can keep up with me". She is like a tall glass of iced tea..sweet southern iced tea. She is refreshing, she is comforting, she is just what we all needed on her birthday. My favorite part of her is listening to her. Her southern drawl makes me smile. It paints pictures of a white wicker swing on a plantation porch. Sun bonnets and peach jam. Tall glass of sweet tea and honeysuckle vine. It rolls off her tongue in a melodic way. Every now and again I get to visit with my Aunt Sara, her sister. Sara visits my grandmother (Dorothy) every couple of months and sometimes I get to see them chatting together. It's such a treat. Those two with their whisky slow cadence. It wraps you up, a warmth that soothes your senses and heightens your curiosity. Dorothy(Darathey)...Dot...Mom...Granma. Here's to wishing you a year full of all things good! And a prayer of thanks for you and all that you have blessed us with.

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