Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lessons from a 7 year old

My oldest seems to always find ways to stop me in my tracks. Most of those times it's to 'redirect' her behavior, if you know what I mean. But there are those moments that I find her to be the teacher and I am just excited to be privy of the lesson. Take yesterday for instance, lessons were plentiful! There was something that sparked her interest in making paper airplanes. Being the girl she is, there was detailed decorating and naming of the fleet. As they took their first whirls through the vast space known as the Land of Livingroom, both she and her little sister cheered with excitement. We went to the library, because if I'm nothing else I am definitely supporting an activity that means I can be a spectator, and we checked out an origami book claiming 'very easy' airplane directions. So much for hands off...our fleet then grew by half a dozen. By the time my husband came home there were 3 M.I.A.'s, 2 teetering on the edge of the ceiling fan, 2 more hiding behind the t.v. and many unrepairable. The kitchen was strolled with scrap papers and the super durable wing mender..aka scotch tape. We went out to eat, returned and sat outside at 9:00pm giving the survivors one last flight of the day. I was reminded how very easy fun can be. No computers, no t.v., no packet with 1000 pieces. Love that imagination!
Before the airplane obsession we met a few of my friends at Chik Fil A for lunch. Of course my girls went straight to the play structure, play last! They played for an hour, stepped out to let their waitress know their order (that would be me if you are confused) and then came out for a quick 10 to scarf down their chicken and fruit. Another 45 minutes later and Kendall steps out to tell me her friend Amber is leaving. "Oh really? Who is Amber?" I ask. "My new best friend, we've been playing together. She's Great!" Again..I investigate "Do you go to school together?" "No, just met her here." Best Friend?? Then she says, "Amber is coming over to meet you." Polite, must have a good mother, I think. Sure enough, cute little Amber comes over and gives Kendall a necklace, the same necklace she has around her neck. This child who met my child maybe 1 hour ago is giving her a parting gift!! She gives K a hug, K hugs back. Feeling caught up in the moment I whisper to K 'maybe you should give her one of your silly bands?' K looks at me like I've just grown a third eye and I realize that mother's shouldn't always take the glory...or be at fault. Nevertheless, the girls left Chik Fil A being changed by each other. What a great lesson. It doesn't take much. Everyone can give of themselves, one way or another. Your time, your ideas, your help, your laughter, your friendship, your necklace! Just to clear Kendall's name..she only had 2 silly bands on and each were given to her by her two bestest buds. She did say if she had others she would have shared. I'm going to just have to believe that...
So this morning we were getting ready for our day. The girls had eaten ice cream before bed last night and they had to wash their sticky hair this morning. K jumps in the shower and washes her hair. When it was time to condition I asked her how she was doing and she said "Just fine mom. I'm getting more mature you know?" Assuming she's watched an episode ICarly I just agree. Then she gets out and is drying her hair. I say "good job". She says "Yeh, I'm definitely getting more mature." Now I'm paying attention. I second that "I do believe you are." Ten minutes later as she's walking through the kitchen brushing her hair I hear her say to little sister "I'm getting mature." I'll bite. "What does mature mean?" I ask. She says "It just means I am getting older, growing up. Soon I'll be an adult."
I smile. She's right. But first I pray for more days of paper airplanes and 15 minute best friends..please. Mature, she's working on it. Phenomenal...she's got it.

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