Monday, July 6, 2009

Gotta start somewhere...

As most know we are seeking another child through adoption..a son this time. Anyone who begins this process is familiar with the hours you spend searching the internet for other's stories..good or bad. Blogs were the most helpful and most inspiring by far. I am blessed to know several wonderful friends who have expanded their families through adoption and all of them agree that blogging is a great tool for adoptive parents to engage. So here I am...blogging...CJ can you believe it?? It really is not that difficult ( if you don't count the week it took me to simply name my blog...) I have invested mere minutes in set up and then the fun begins! The pressure of the name...UGH!! I searched all cool 'catch phrase sites', sites with family, ocean, waves, parenting, etc. and although I did cross many inspiring possibilities none stuck with me. Then as I was passing through my room I took a glance at a picture my mother in law snapped of Brian and I while visiting RI many years ago. We loved the picture, claiming the sign was our favorite part. Such a great reminder and for us it has become our motto....The Grateful Heart. So it was right here, in a cheap frame on my old dresser staring at me all along. I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned here....hmmm.....
I hope to use this site to keep all of my family and friends updated in our chaotic, non-stop, sincere life. I am hoping to post all of our adoption updates and more information about our experience so check back often. Of course my 2 little beans will be all through this blog...they leave their sticky finger prints on everything, this will be no exception I'm sure! Thanks in advance for your support and encouragement!!


  1. Love it already! Congrats on your new adventures in blogging...oh, yeah, your adoption too :)

  2. Meant to tell you that I posted some video clips over at my blog...good stuff related to adoption. Check it out when you have time...between wiping sticky fingers, processing paperwork, and leading girlscouts.

  3. i'm so happy, can't wait for another grandchild, love mom

  4. Your mom sent this to me. Just wanted to say how proud of you I am. We don't get to see you all often , but we think about you. You have a beautiful family. You are a great lady, wife, and mother. I will be praying for your adoption , that God will lead you to the child he want for your family.

    your long lost Aunt
