Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Toothfairy Time!

My oldest has lost one of those precious things you never get back...and her mom is a bit sad about it. To her delight she lost her first baby tooth yesterday!! She has been wiggling this tooth for weeks, over a month I know, and yesterday was 'the last stand'. She climbed in the van and with her head turned away from me asked "Mom, do you noticed anything different about me?" and she whipped around showing that precious smile minus a tooth! I was thrilled for her, what a milestone it is to loose your first tooth! Plus the fact she has been harassing our dentist since she was 4 years old about losing her tooth...I might just call them today so that he can celebrate with her!
This tooth was lost more than once yesterday. We began thinking that this tooth had had enough of the Roy's and was determined to flee the scene first chance. Once in the van K placed it in the cup holder for safe keeping when we stopped by the park. Her little sister's curiosity got the best of her and within mere seconds of close inspection the tooth was gone! K didn't know and I wasn't about to tell her. Feeling sure I could find it, I sent K home with a friend (the mom knew my dilemma..she was buying me time..thanks Ang!) and began the painful search. It was a seek and rescue mission made nearly impossible by the lack of details from the perpetrator and the fact that we had recently eaten popcorn in my van causing me to encounter many hopeful but unsuccessful discoveries. My desperation was enough that my friend sent her pre-teen daughter to my house to help me look for it. She even offered one of her daughter's old teeth as a stand in...with the agreement I would return it of course. I LOVE MOMS!! You may be thinking EWWW...but hey, we were grasping at straws here folks!! In my last ditch effort I wiggled some stuff out from my seat/console area and there it was. The smallest, shiniest, most precious baby tooth least yesterday it was the most precious ever. I was so relieved I took it inside, placed it in a sandwich bag and put it up high so that the baby sister couldn't reach it! When K arrived it was like I had taken special care of her tooth, knowing her one wish was to keep it from her sister and safe for the toothfairy to find. I had found a cute toothfairy book with a little velvet pouch to stash her enameled treasure into and again Kendall thought how very exciting this was, and I gained even more points of course! Right before bedtime Kendall wrote the Toothfairy a letter. It read:
Dear Tothfary,
I wod like to kep my toth plis. Wiy do you want to kep it? I wod like to kep it bekus it is my threshr. May I ples have a gift even tho I'm not giving you my toth? Thank you. love Kendall.
She even drew a pic of the two of them..smiling happily.

As she climbed into bed she lifted her pillow once more to check on her 'threshr' (treasure) and OMG it was not there. I was REALLY getting tired of this tooth! After a few minutes of searching we found it, in the one inch square, $5 velvet pouch on her dresser. This time I placed it under the pillow, laid her head on the pillow and turned out the light. I was NO LONGER responsible for the tooth!
She woke this morning with a handful of $1's and her 'threshr'. Made for a happy morning! She came down smiling that cute smile, advertising her latest adventure sure to bring many admirers at school.
I know it's not the last baby-like thing about her, but it is a reminder that my time with her is ever-changing and that I am required to pay close attention to this baby. For she is soon to be missing all of her baby teeth, smiling at me with a mouth full of new teeth ready to take a bite out of life! I'm holding on to all that I can.
And to you moms...incase you find yourself in the same situation, give me a call, I may just have a small threshr you too can borrow. As long as I can have it back!
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  1. Hollie, This is an adorable post! I enjoyed reading about your crazy tooth adventures from yesterday and the wonderful milestone for K. Made me teary-eyed. These moments fly. Glad you are recording them...and with such wit ;)

  2. This is so darn cute! I love that you get to experience the wonder of childbood again through your children!
