Saturday, January 29, 2011

Monday in Addis




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Another busy day in Ethiopia. We woke to pancakes, and though they weren’t as tasty as the Schiro’s , we were happy. Then off to the transition home to see Ty. It was clear to us that he is feeling better today, but still not 100%. He is a serious little guy and so we are still trying to figure out what he wants. He seemed to enjoy our company more today. In fact, when we returned for the second visit after lunch there was a group who arrived before us. They said when they went into the nursery to get their children that Ty kept looking around them trying to see who was coming in next as if looking for us. We had a toy car that Brian and rolled back and forth to each other. Ty was in my lap. For a brief moment Ty forgot his apprehension, reached out for the truck and knocked it over and made the ever slightest sound. Totally made our day. We were invited to watch his nannies give him a bath this afternoon. They move fast, as the tub is a baby bath that they put in the middle of the nursery floor with a bucket of water ready to wash with. To our delight he was very content in the tub, even when the nanny poured water directly over his head (many times) he didn’t complain at all. Just kept on reaching for the soap. I have secretly warned him that he may need to act a little more put out with it or Brian will have him signed up for swim lessons this summer. Not the Mommy and me kind either. I think he understood me.
After lunch we headed out with 2 other couples to do a little souvenir shopping. The guest house arranged for us to have a driver and a translator. We went into the downtown area of Addis Ababa to an area locals call the Post Office. Apparently there is a post office nearby , clever. (They also have a part of town called Mexico..funny.) We went into a great shop that had lots of great items. We got several things for the kids, and for the house. It was a lot of fun. Our friends Sabrina and Adam are collecting items for their daughter’s birthdays..plural. They are going to collect 18 gifts to give her, one for every birthday until her 18th birthday. I loved that idea! Our outing was a success for all of us, so glad we did it. I will mention that driving in Ethiopia is INSANE!! If there is a 4 lane road (supposed to be for two coming, two going), the driver will use all four lanes until he absolutely must move over. They can maneuver their vans as if they were on motorcycles, we were squeezing between other vans, in and out of cars. We even ran up on a police car, which we nearly took the curb to pass. Pedestrians are EVERYWHERE, and just as daring as the drivers. It is chaos and I am grateful for the rules of the road we follow in the US. (Most of us follow.)
Tomorrow is our court date. We are still unclear of the time, as the judge called at the last minute tonight to move our time from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., but if she can get caught up she will call us and have us come earlier. You have no idea the confusion this will be! We have to juggle our visit with our kids, in our court attire, transportation which you have to call in advance and the list goes on. Ugh! But, in the end we will have our time and as long as all paperwork has been accounted for we will officially be granted guardianship of one cute little boy!

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