Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ty Day!

We arrived in Addis Ababa late last night. We were sooo tired, but of course our bodies were still on Tennessee time and wouldn't cooperate. We finally dozed off sometime near 1 a.m. Addis is 9 hours ahead of TN, so our sleep was not as sound as it should be. Maybe it was the barking dogs outside of our window, or perhaps the church on the mountain across from us that began it's holy day at 4:30 a.m., including blasting music and sermon from a very loud intercom system. Whatever the reason, we are attempting to rest a bit now, before we go back to Ty's house.
So at 9 a.m we were invited to visit Ty at the transiion home. As we entered the gates we got very excited! We are staying with another adoptive couple at the same Guest House and they had visited withh their daughter yesterday, so they gave us the scoop on what to expect. as we entered we were greeted with enthusiasm and they asked our child's name. We told them and they brought him to us. She immediately handed him to me and he cried, which we now know is a good sign that they understand in a way it was music to my ears. Brian took pics and video, neither of which we can post yet, but soon! Ty didn't want to make eye contact at all,he was definitely confused. Then Brian took him, more photo and video opps. We passed him back and forth a few times,neither wanting to let him go he was soo sweet. When we first saw him we both commented on his size, because in his pictures he looked like a big boy, but in truth he is not that big at all. He is healthy though and hopefully we'll get to see his smile this afternoon when we go back.
After we had been holding him for about 30-45 minutes he fell asleep in Brian's arms. He was so cute! We did notice he felt hot and he had been tugging at his ear, which made us wonder if he was not feeling well. So we let him napand when the director of the transition home came to visit she noticed he was not himself. So right then she told us to get in the van as we were going to visit the doctor!So off we went, to Ty's doctor. That was an incredible experierience.The staff we so friendly and after the exam the doctor told us he was congested and had a red throat. He gave us a prescription and sent us on our way.We were there for a total of 15 minutes max, very fast. To describe the doctor's office would be nearly impossible, I can only say that they were friendly and it was small and would not ever pass inspection in the states. such a different way of life here, I am still trying to wrap my mind around it. While we were at the doctor's office we got his current weight, a healthy 20 lbs. And while we were there Ty began to play with my necklace, a good sign that we were making progress. Oh, and also while we weree there we took a tour of the infirmary , which is across the yard from the doctor's office. inside the 2 room bldg/lean-to was a 20 day old baby who had stayed the night hooked up to iv's because she could not keep food down.Whe was so small. To our delight they were unhooking her and she and her caregiver rode back the house with us, as she was going to be matched with a family soon. That was such a great moment to know that that child was being cared for and soon to have her forever family, I held Ty and said a prayer of thanks for them both.
We returned to Ty's house and took hime to his crib, as he was asleep again. He woke when Brian laid him down. He shares a small froom with 6 other cribs. His nanny took him and began to feed him luncnch. We have plans to go back to visit more this afternoon and hope that he has a bit more energy. On our way back from the doctore office we stopped on the side of the main road. Our friend (the director jumped out and ran into this shop. It was a pharmacy, with the most basic of meds I'm sure, and picked up the antibiotic prescribed by the doctore. Funny, if Kendall or Mallory had presented with a cold at 11 mos the doctore whould have said steam showers and fluids. And if they had said RX, we would have balked at it. Today were so grateful that they had any medicine for him.
Again, we still haven't gotten comfortable with the extreme situation here. It is amazing and bewildering. But I do want to say that the people we pass on the street and the people we have encountered at our Guest House, at the transition home, at the doctor's office..they are full of love! They smile, they laugh, they show concern for us..isn't that amazing, they show concern for us! I am humbled and grateful for this opportunity.
Ty is beautiful and you'll just have to take my word for it. Kendall and Mallory: we gave him your teddy bear and he loved it. We miss you both more than words can say. We have been told that when Ty is not sick he is truly a happy boy, and I think they were trying to say he may be a handful, but of course they wouldn't come out and say it. Good thing he has 2 big sisters to keep him happy!
will post more tonight is internet is working. Gonna grab a quick nap, or atleast try


  1. Beautiful day! Can't wait to hear more...

  2. This is wonderful! I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to read more. God bless you!

  3. Awesome post, Hollie! Consider the wonderful Providence that has brought your family to where you are today. Isn't God good?
