Monday, March 7, 2011

Extra pics..

We thought this sign, located at the entrance of the Hyatt swimming pool was hysterical. #4 states: Do not spit or blow nose while you are in the pool. #5 Please do not swim if you have the flu, cough, an open wound or any infection (we were so disappointed that we wouldn't get to swim while down with the flu!) #7 Pregnant women are advised not to use any facilities (Is that legal??)

The staff were preparing for a kids b'day party..beautiful setting!

One of the many courtyards at the Hyatt in Addis Ababa EthiopiaPosted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Let's put a sign like that at the neighborhood pool...that'd scare any straglers away! LOL!
    Glad you posted. Can't wait to hear more!!
