Thursday, March 10, 2011

Five Days??

I cannot believe it's been only five days home. Literally I can't believe it and have counted it on my fingers many times. It feels like longer, of course my lack of sleep and cabin fever aren't helping I'm sure! But Ty is doing wonderfully! His sleep schedule is coming around and last night he slept from 8 pm until 6 am. Mallory is no longer asking to see his diaper and Kendall is still not ready to pick him up...but they are both still very much excited about having a little brother. Ty came home with a bit of an upper respiratory/cough and we are debating taking him to the doctor for it but other than that he appears to be feeling well. I noticed last night that his skin seemed brighter, his eyes wider and his face a little rounder than just one week ago. He is all about smiling now and laughs out loud when tickled. He is unsure of the animals, though he did find Frank Jenkin's tail this morning and tried to bite it. Mallory thought that was hysterical. He loves table food and I imagine before long he'll start spitting the strained veggies back at me in retaliation. We've learned the secret to a successful diaper change is a wagon wheel snack (Gerber genius again!). He will NOT go back to sleep when he wakes up unless he's laying on my chest. He is definitely bonding with Brian and they have spent the last 2 mornings quietly hanging out while the 3 Roy girls sleep. He has discovered the stairs that lead up to his room and makes a bee-line for them when we aren't looking. Today he pulled himself up beside me and let go, standing all by himself for 3-5 seconds. He would get so excited that he'd make himself fall. I bet he did it 5-6 times. We're looking for baby gates now... we know our time is limited before he starts walking!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my Lord, he is such a sweetie!!! Can't wait to see him again!
